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Accidentally AmyAccidentally Amy

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Book Descriptions :

IT STARTED WITH A CUP?Isabella Shay is usually a very honest person.But when she?s running late for her first day at a dream job and the barista yells for ?Amy? 3x with no answer, she does the unthinkable.Izzy takes that PSL.It?s the exact drink she ordered and paid for, only waaaay further ahead in the line, so she mutters ?I?m Amy? and grabs the cup.But when she turns around and runs directly into the most attractive man she?s ever seen, spilling the drink all over his GQ shirt and tie, she ends up having the ultimate meet-cute. Sparks fly and things feel beyond promising until he says the words, ?See you tomorrow, Amy.?Uh, oh ? she?ll definitely have to straighten him out the following day.Only when she gets to her new office and meets the VP of her department, it is none other than Blake Phillips - the hottie from Starbucks. And the man might?ve been charming to ?Amy,? but he is an arrogant grump to Izzy, an arrogant grump who dos not find her explanation funny at all.MEET CUTE + .

Book Details :

Author : Lynn Painter

Pages : pages

Publisher :

Language : eng

ISBN-10 : 61095669-accidentally-amy

ISBN-13 :


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